Use all 10 of them

I started to write a book a while ago. A bit later my family started to comment how loudly I type. I never realized it, but when I started to listen to myself, I had to admit they were correct. Also, my index fingers started to become very sore, even though I did not use […]

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One tiny step at the time

There comes a time when you are tired, unmotivated and depressed. It might be today or weeks from now. Project is not going so well, the boss is being difficult or you have challenges in your personal life. In these times, all work seems to be extremely hard and it would be easier to just […]

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Is this the best you can do?

There is a tale about Henry Kissinger, President Nixon’s secretary of state and his speechwriter, Winston Lord. One day Kissinger gave Lord instructions for a specific speech and asked him to write the speech well before the time he needed to present it.  Lord gave the speech to Kissinger and the next day Kissinger came […]

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