PhD and entrepreneurship

Are you doing a PhD, finished it, or thinking of doing one? Have you been wondering what to do after academic life? You might think that you need to continue in academia now that you have vested your time on that career path. Otherwise, PhD studies was wasted years in your life. On the contrary. […]

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Power of words

Have you ever thought how you talk to other people? Have you thought what an impact your words have on someone? Have you thought about what and how you say things might have a completely different meaning (you meant to say) to someone else? I remember one lab meeting where I was very excited to […]

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Families matter

Few years ago a photo of an Israeli professor circulated around the internet. He did not do any sensational scientific discovery. No. Professor Sydney Engelberg from the Hebrew University was lecturing to his students when a student’s baby started crying. Student was about the leave the lecture room with the baby when Engelberg took the […]

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Doormats and being part of something bigger

I met a man a while ago who delivers doormats from public places to washing. I had a chat with him and he seemed so content with his life. He said that some days he finishes few hours early and got a short day, go to gym and then to beach with his mates. He […]

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Planner - a little productivity tool for managing workloads

There is a little gem in the Microsoft suite. It is such a great tool to increase productivity and bring teams together. It integrates well with other MS suite, is easy to use and is a great little project management tool. It is called Planner. Many project management tools are a little clunky for the […]

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What you do today can improve all your tomorrows

We often look at other people and how well they have made in life. They have a great career, they are successful and it seems to be so easy. It is not. In 99.9% of cases, it has required heaps of hard work and continuous improvement. It is not useful or productive to envy the […]

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Creative break

I have not been posting anything in a long time. I would love to say as the title says, that I have been on a creative break. This is how sometimes some people are labelling things when they have not got anything done, been lazy or just otherwise tired or disengaged. For me, it has […]

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Customer service

After visiting a restaurant, a feedback request pops up in your e-mail or now more often your phone, asking you to rate the place you just visited (which is a little creepy if you have not asked or told your phone anything about the visit). In either case, companies want to measure the quality of customer service […]

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Theory vs. practice

Have you ever thought of how we learn a skill? According to science (and everybody who have learned something), the best way to learn a skill is to do the work. We all know people who say that ‘I have been to this one-week course, I know how to do it.’ Do they? No. Theory […]

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Constant vigilance - at garden and at work

I was gardening on the weekend. It has been very hot for the last few months and I have been neglecting the garden care besides just mowing the lawn. The lawn is now filled with the plethora of weeds, all sorts and sizes. My beautiful lawn that even the neighbours admired when walking past looks […]

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