Power of words

Have you ever thought how you talk to other people? Have you thought what an impact your words have on someone? Have you thought about what and how you say things might have a completely different meaning (you meant to say) to someone else? I remember one lab meeting where I was very excited to […]

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Customer service

After visiting a restaurant, a feedback request pops up in your e-mail or now more often your phone, asking you to rate the place you just visited (which is a little creepy if you have not asked or told your phone anything about the visit). In either case, companies want to measure the quality of customer service […]

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Are you performing?

You are sitting in your managers office with sweaty hands and wait until they get to the point. And you wait. And wait. Eventually you understand that they do not get into the point. You are disappointed and relieved at the same time. At least it was not bad news. But you are left with […]

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