Welcome to Academic Pitstop!

Welcome to my brand-new website!

I am Merja, a scientist with over 20 years of experience in both academia and the pharmaceutical industry. I have done research in many areas of life sciences and in many research groups. I have made many mistakes, experienced few successes and learned a lot on the exciting journey in the wonderful world of science.

My interest has always been how things work. When I was little and other girls played with dolls, I removed heads from my dolls and looked how they were built. During my whole work career, I have continued to investigate how things work. I have observed different work environments wherever I have worked and I was always curious of how different - and similar - these workplaces were. Little by little I learned what works, what does not and what contributes to good workplace, good work habits and good leadership.

I have had excellent supervisors and not so good ones. I have worked in places where I would have liked to stay forever and workplaces where I was just waiting to get out after an initial ‘honeymoon’ period. I have had absolutely amazing workmates who became also friends and the ones who I could not understand at all.

This blog is born from all the experiences I have had (and still have) during my career journey. I have not just been observing people and their habits, but I have also learned to work more efficiently, more wisely and using loads of tools and techniques that have helped me to adopt good working habits.

I just wish someone would have told me all this earlier.

For many years I have had a weird itch that I want to do something else with my life. Something that could make a difference. This website is my channel to do that. I want to talk about things that we all encounter at work and during our career and the luckiest of all have a great mentor to guide them through questions like ‘how to make a great Powerpoint presentation’ or ‘what to do when motivation is low and all feels tiring and irritating’.

I want to be like a virtual mentor, I want to give some insights to topics like how to stop procrastinating, how to deal with difficult interpersonal situations or how to tell a compelling story in scientific article, grant application or presentation. I also want to guide you to think about your career development, find your ikigai and finding a feeling that you are in the right place or heading towards it. Feel free to comment, ask questions or suggest topics. I am really happy that you are here and I wish your career journey will lead to a better future! 

3 thoughts on “Welcome to Academic Pitstop!

  1. Thankful says:

    I want to thank you Merja for guiding me on my career development path! You really helped me to reveal my own path to happiness. The answer was already there to reach but I couldn’t find it without you guidance! With your help I am now on the right way to reach my goal. I also have found high motivation to do it. From now on all the things I focus my energy on, are things which are taking me closer to my ikigai!

    1. Merja says:

      Thanks for your kind comment! Keep me posted on how things are progressing!

  2. Sanna says:

    Aivan mahtavaa, Merja 😀
    That's so brilliant, Merja😀

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